Tips For Better Sleep

 Tips For Better Sleep

Sleep problems have a bad effect on health, due to which fatigue and restlessness persists. Sleep is an important thing for the body, less and more sleep balances the problems of the body.

1. What is balanced sleep.
2. What are sleep problems.
3. What are the causes of sleep problems.
4. Loss of more or less sleep.
5. Home remedies to reduce sleep.
6. Home remedies to increase sleep.
7. Benefits of good sleep.

Tips For Better Sleep

Tips For Better Sleep

9 to 10 hours for kids.
7 to 8 hours for youth.
5 to 6 hours for the elderly.

According to the above figures, taking sleep keeps the body energetic and coolness remains in the mind. Balanced sleep is enough sleep, deep and calm.

Tips  Of Bad Sleep

Sleep more
Poor sleep

Disadvantages Of Bad Sleep

1. The mind remains restless. Gets angry on every thing. Does not feel like working or studying.

2. Loss of appetite leads to weakness.

3. Digestive system is not correct.

4. Headache and body ache.

5. Lack of sleep leads to weight gain.

6. Face starts withering.

Sometimes the problem like dizziness increases. This problem can have a profound effect on the mind because balanced sleep keeps the body and mind fit, which increases the trend of man in every area of ​​life.

Reasons Of Bad Sleep-:

1. Lack of concentration of mind

2. routine imbalance.

3. Not getting enough sleep for 7 to 8 hours at a time.

4. Diabetes patients get more sleep.

Reasons for not sleeping-:

1. mental stress

2.extreme exhaustion

3.upset stomach

4.Routine not being balanced. That is, there should not be any fixed time for sleeping, getting up and eating.

Tips For Better Sleep-:

One should always sleep and wake up at the same time every day. Whether it is a holiday or a weekend, keep the same time to sleep every day, and also to wake up. This will become your habit and you will automatically get sleep at that time.

After lying down, if you do not sleep for 15 minutes, get up and do something that makes you feel relaxed. After a while you will feel tired and you will start feeling sleepy.

Never sleep on an empty stomach. You will not be able to sleep even because of hunger.

One should not sleep even after taking more drinks, due to this many times in the night you will wake up for the bathroom, due to which the sleep will be disturbed.

Nicotine, caffeine and alcohol create obstacles in good sleep. After taking this you will not get peaceful sleep. Initially you will feel sleepy after taking alcohol, but it does not bring good sleep at night.

Do the same thing every day before sleeping. For example, if you read a book before sleeping, or listen to relaxing music, or take a hot water bath, then do these things daily. By doing this, it will become your habit, and as soon as it happens, you will start falling asleep.

Make distance from electronic items before sleeping at night. Do not include this in your habit.

Create an atmosphere to sleep, that means make the bed, turn off the lights, after some time you will start falling asleep on your own.

Even a 10 minute walk at night helps in sleeping well.

Even by doing yoga in the evening, one gets good sleep at night.

Avoid heavy food at night, eat only light food, eat it at least 3 hours before sleeping.

Keep your mind calm, remove the bad thoughts coming in your mind, instead of that think about the good that happened in the day.

Make it a habit to pray before going to sleep, thank God for the day before sleeping, speak all your thoughts to him, and try to sleep with a calm mind.

Say goodbye to the habit of sleeping during the day.

Benefits Of Good Sleep-:

1. The digestive system remains smooth.

2.Important factors in keeping body weight balanced.

3. Body and mind remain cheerful.

4. Concentration increases.

5. Worry free body remains.

6. Relieves headache and limb pain.

7. Inspiration remains.

8. Increases immunity to diseases.

Almost all the problems related to sleep have been explained in this one post. Sleep is an important agreement, if you have not got relief from all these home remedies, then definitely contact a doctor. Do not ignore

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